All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractInitCommand |
The abstract init command provides multiple shared methods for the 'init'
and 'connect' command.
AbstractInitOperation |
AbstractSqlDao |
Small helper class to implement common tasks for the inheriting
SQL data access objects.
AbstractTransferManager |
Implements basic functionality of a TransferManager which
can be implemented sub-classes.
AbstractTransferOperation |
Represents and is inherited by a transfer operation.
ActionFileHandler |
ActionRemoteFile |
Action remote files represent a running transfer operation on the remote storage.
ActionTO |
A TransactionActionTO describes a single action on a file, which is to be bundled
with other actions to describe a full transaction.
ActionTO.ActionStatus |
ActionTO.ActionType |
AddWatchManagementRequest |
AddWatchManagementResponse |
Adler32Fingerprinter |
A simple 32-bit "rolling" checksum.
AesGcm128CipherSpec |
AesGcm256CipherSpec |
AesGcmCipherSpec |
AlreadySyncingResponse |
AppInfo |
This class represents an information object describing an application release
for a single distribution type.
AppInfoResponse |
This class represents the response from the Syncany API when checking
the newest application versions.
ApplicationLink |
The application link class represents a syncany:// link.
ApplicationLinkShortenerResponse |
ApplicationSqlDao |
The application data access object (DAO) writes and queries the SQL database for
general information about the application.
ApplyChangesOperation |
Applies a given winners database to the local directory.
Assembler |
The assembler re-assembles files broken down through the deduplication
mechanisms of the Deduper and its corresponding classes (chunker,
multichunker, etc.).
AsyncIndexer |
AsyncIndexer provides a Runnable to start as a separate thread.
BadRequestResponse |
Base58 |
Base58 is a way to encode Bitcoin addresses as numbers and letters.
BlockingTransfersException |
Cache |
The cache class represents the local disk cache.
CarriageReturnPrinter |
ChangeFileSystemAction |
ChangeSet |
A change set represents the result of a comparison of two file trees, either
by comparing a local file tree with the local database, or by comparing the remote
database with the local database.
Chunk |
A chunk represents a certain part of a file.
ChunkEntry |
The chunk entry represents a single chunk reference in the database model
and is identified by the chunk's checksum.
ChunkEntry.ChunkChecksum |
Chunker |
The chunker implements a core part of the deduplication process by breaking
files into individual Chunk s.
Chunker.ChunkEnumeration |
The chunk enumeration is implemented by the actual chunkers and emits a new
chunk when nextElement() is called.
ChunkSqlDao |
The chunk data access object (DAO) writes and queries the SQL database for information
on ChunkEntry s.
CipherException |
Exception thrown when content cannot encrypted or decrypted,
or other cryptographic operations fail.
CipherParams |
Defines important crypto constants used in the application.
CipherSession |
CipherSpec |
A cipher spec represents the definition of a cipher/encryption algorithm and the
corresponding settings required to instantiate a new cipher object.
CipherSpecs |
Defines and identifies the application supported CipherSpec s.
CipherTransformer |
CipherUtil |
The cipher utility provides functions to create a master key using PBKDF2,
a derived key using SHA256, and to create a Cipher from a derived key.
CleanupCommand |
CleanupEndSyncExternalEvent |
CleanupOperation |
The purpose of the cleanup operation is to keep the local database and the
remote repository clean -- thereby allowing it to be used indefinitely without
any performance issues or storage shortage.
CleanupOperationOptions |
CleanupOperationOptions.TimeUnit |
CleanupOperationResult |
CleanupOperationResult.CleanupResultCode |
CleanupRemoteFile |
The transaction file only exists as an indicator to other clients a cleanup has occurred.
CleanupStartCleaningSyncExternalEvent |
CleanupStartSyncExternalEvent |
Client |
The client class is a convenience class to call the application's Operation s
using a central entry point.
CliTableUtil |
CollectionUtil |
Command |
Commands are the central part of Syncany's command line client.
CommandFactory |
The command factory can be used to instantiate a new command from a
command name.
CommandLineClient |
The command line client implements a typical CLI.
CommandLineUtil |
Various CLI-utilities.
CommandScope |
Commands can be run either in a repository scope or outside a repository
Config |
The config class is the central point to configure a Syncany instance.
ConfigException |
Exception thrown when configuration files are read or written
and something is going not as expected.
ConfigHelper |
The config helper provides convenience functions to load the configuration from
the local application repo.
ConfigTO |
The config transfer object is used to create and load the local config
file from/to XML.
ConfirmUserInteractionExternalEvent |
ConfirmUserInteractionExternalEventResponse |
ConnectCommand |
ConnectManagementRequest |
ConnectManagementRequestHandler |
ConnectManagementResponse |
ConnectOperation |
The connect operation connects to an existing repository at a given remote storage
ConnectOperationOptions |
ConnectOperationOptions.ConnectOptionsStrategy |
ConnectOperationResult |
ConnectOperationResult.ConnectResultCode |
ConnectToHostExternalEvent |
ControlManagementRequest |
ControlManagementResponse |
ControlServer |
The control server watches the daemon control file for changes and
reacts on certain commands.
ControlServer.ControlCommand |
DaemonCommand |
DaemonConfigHelper |
The daemon helper provides helper functions to read and/or write the
daemon configuration file as defined by DaemonConfigTO .
DaemonConfigTO |
This class is used to configure the daemon, in particular, its web server,
the managed folders and the web server / API users.
DaemonOperation |
This operation is the central part of the daemon.
DaemonOperationOptions |
DaemonOperationOptions.DaemonAction |
DaemonOperationResult |
DaemonOperationResult.DaemonResultCode |
DaemonReloadedExternalEvent |
DatabaseBranch |
A branch represents a list of DatabaseVersionHeader s, thereby identifying a
the history of a client's database.
DatabaseBranches |
The database branches class is a convenience class to bundle multiple
DatabaseBranch s into one object, and map it to its corresponding
owner machine name.
DatabaseConnectionFactory |
This class is a helper class that provides the connection to the embedded
HSQLDB database.
DatabaseFileReader |
The DatabaseFileReader provides a way to read a series of database files
in a memory-efficient way, by converting them to a series of MemoryDatabases,
none of which are too large.
DatabaseReconciliator |
The database reconciliator implements various parts of the sync down algorithm (see also:
DownOperation ).
DatabaseRemoteFile |
The database file represents a delta database.
DatabaseVersion |
The database version represents an incremental addition to the local database of
a client.
DatabaseVersion.DatabaseVersionStatus |
DatabaseVersionHeader |
DatabaseVersionHeaderComparator |
DatabaseVersionSqlDao |
The database version data access object (DAO) writes and queries the SQL database for information
on DatabaseVersion s.
DatabaseXmlParseHandler |
DatabaseXmlSerializer |
DatabaseXmlSerializer.DatabaseReadType |
DatabaseXmlWriter |
This class uses an XMLStreamWriter to output the given DatabaseVersion s
to a PrintWriter (or file).
DatabaseXmlWriter.IndentXmlStreamWriter |
Wraps an XMLStreamWriter class to write XML data to
the given Writer .
DebugCommand |
Intentionally undocumented command to help debugging the application.
Deduper |
The Deduper implements the core deduplication algorithm used by Syncany.
DeduperListener |
Listener interface used by the Deduper to notify the caller of file
events, and to retrieve information about chunks and output files.
DefaultRecursiveWatcher |
The default recursive file watcher monitors a folder (and its sub-folders)
by registering a watch on each of the sub-folders.
DefaultRepoTOFactory |
This class produces RepoTO s with some sensible defaults for the Chunkers and
DeleteFileSystemAction |
DownChangesDetectedSyncExternalEvent |
DownCommand |
DownDownloadFileSyncExternalEvent |
DownEndSyncExternalEvent |
Downloader |
The downloader uses a TransferManager to download a given set of multichunks,
decrypt them and store them in the local cache folder.
DownOperation |
The down operation implements a central part of Syncany's business logic.
DownOperationOptions |
DownOperationOptions.DownConflictStrategy |
DownOperationResult |
DownOperationResult.DownResultCode |
DownStartSyncExternalEvent |
Encrypted |
Annotating a field with Encrypted implies that the field's value shell be stored
encrypted in the XML representation.
EncryptedTransferSettingsConverter |
Converter to encrypt fields marked with the Encrypted
EnvironmentUtil |
EnvironmentUtil.OperatingSystem |
Event |
Events are Message s originated from the core of
the application.
EventResponse |
EventUserInteractionListener |
This implementation of a UserInteractionListener uses the LocalEventBus
to broadcast interaction requests to subscribers and waits synchronously for a corresponding
event response.
ExtendedPluginInfo |
ExternalEvent |
External events are Event s meant for JVM-local and
external subscribers/consumers.
ExternalEventResponse |
Feature |
FeatureExtension |
FeatureTransferManager |
Feature transfer managers extend the functionality of regular TransferManagers
by adding special behavior (such as path awareness, transaction awareness or retriability).
FileContent |
A file content represents the content of a file.
FileContent.FileChecksum |
FileContentSqlDao |
The file content data access object (DAO) writes and queries the SQL database for information
on FileContent s.
FileCreatingFileSystemAction |
FileHistorySqlDao |
The file history DAO queries and modifies the filehistory in
the SQL database.
FileSystemAction |
File system actions perform operations on the local disk -- creating, updating and
deleting files.
FileSystemActionComparator |
Sorts file system actions according to their natural order to prevent scenarios
in which a non-empty directory is deleted, ...
FileSystemActionReconciliator |
Implements the file synchronization algorithm in the down operation.
FileSystemActionResult |
FileType |
The file type is used to distinguish files from directories in the Setup
annotation, if a field represents a file/directory.
FileUtil |
A file utility class
FileVersion |
A file version represents a version of a file at a certain time and captures
all of a file's properties.
FileVersion.FileStatus |
FileVersion.FileType |
A FileVersion can be of either one of the types in this enum.
FileVersionComparator |
The file version comparator is a helper class to compare FileVersion s with each
other, or compare FileVersion s to local File s.
FileVersionComparator.FileChange |
FileVersionComparator.FileProperties |
FileVersionComparator.FileVersionComparison |
FileVersionSqlDao |
The file version DAO queries and modifies the fileversion in
the SQL database.
Fingerprinter |
A fingerprinter is used in content based Chunker s to determine at which
byte to break a file into Chunk s.
FixedChunker |
The fixed chunker is an implementation of the Chunker .
FolderRequest |
FolderRequestHandler |
FolderResponse |
FolderTO |
This class is the access object to configure a folder
managed by the daemon.
GenlinkCommand |
GenlinkFolderRequest |
GenlinkFolderRequestHandler |
GenlinkFolderResponse |
GenlinkOperation |
This operation generates a link which can be shared among users to connect to
a repository.
GenlinkOperationOptions |
GenlinkOperationResult |
GetDatabaseVersionHeadersFolderRequest |
GetDatabaseVersionHeadersFolderRequestHandler |
GetDatabaseVersionHeadersFolderResponse |
GetFileFolderRequest |
GetFileFolderRequestHandler |
GetFileFolderResponse |
GetFileFolderResponseInternal |
GetFileHistoryFolderRequest |
GetFileHistoryFolderRequestHandler |
Deprecated. |
GetFileHistoryFolderResponse |
GetPasswordUserInteractionExternalEvent |
GetPasswordUserInteractionExternalEventResponse |
GzipTransformer |
Implements a Transformer that transforms the input/output stream
using the Gzip compression algorithm.
GzipTransformer.GZIPOutputStreamEx |
HmacSha256CipherSpec |
IgnoredFiles |
This class serves as a container of patterns of filenames
that should be ignored.
Indexer |
The indexer combines the chunking process with the corresponding database
lookups for the resulting chunks.
InitCommand |
InitConsole |
Wrapper class for Console to enable mocking for tests.
InitManagementRequest |
InitManagementRequestHandler |
InitManagementResponse |
InitOperation |
The init operation initializes a new repository at a given remote storage
InitOperationOptions |
InitOperationResult |
InitOperationResult.InitResultCode |
InternalEvent |
Internal events are Event s meant for JVM-local consumers.
InternalEventBus |
The event bus wraps the Google EventBus service for the
InternalRestHandler |
InteralRestHandler handles the REST requests sent to the daemon.
InternalWebInterfaceHandler |
InternalWebInterfaceHandler is responsible for handling requests
to the web interface.
InternalWebSocketHandler |
InternalWebSocketHandler handles the web socket requests
sent to the daemon.
JsonMessageFactory |
LightweightDatabaseVersion |
LimitedDosFileAttributes |
LimitedSortedSet<E> |
A limited sorted set is a TreeSet with limited entries.
ListWatchesManagementRequest |
ListWatchesManagementResponse |
LocalEventBus |
The local event bus is used to pass messages and events between
operations and commands, as well as to replace traditional listeners.
LocalTransferManager |
LocalTransferPlugin |
Identifies the local storage Plugin for Syncany.
LocalTransferSettings |
The local connection represents the settings required to create to a
backend based on a local (or mounted network) folder.
LogCommand |
LogFolderRequest |
LogFolderRequestHandler |
LogFolderResponse |
LogFormatter |
The log formatter implements a Formatter .
Logging |
The logging class offers convenience functions to initialize and update the
application's log options.
LogOperation |
LogOperationOptions |
LogOperationResult |
LsCommand |
LsFolderRequest |
LsFolderRequestHandler |
LsFolderResponse |
LsOperation |
LsOperationOptions |
LsOperationResult |
LsRemoteCommand |
LsRemoteEndSyncExternalEvent |
LsRemoteFolderRequest |
LsRemoteFolderRequestHandler |
LsRemoteFolderResponse |
LsRemoteOperation |
The list remote operation queries the transfer manager for any unknown
DatabaseRemoteFile s.
LsRemoteOperationResult |
LsRemoteStartSyncExternalEvent |
ManagementRequest |
ManagementRequestHandler |
ManagementResponse |
MapIdentityManager |
A simple IdentityManager implementation, that just takes a map of users
to their password.
MasterRemoteFile |
The master file represents the file that stores the salt for the master
MasterTO |
The master transfer object is used to create and load the master file
from/to XML.
MemoryDatabase |
The database represents the internal file and chunk index of the application.
Message |
A message is either a request or a response sent to
or from the daemon.
MessageFactory |
The message factory serializes and deserializes messages sent to
or from the daemon via the REST/WS API.
MultiChunk |
A multichunk represents the container format that stores one to many Chunk s.
MultiChunkEntry |
The multichunk entry represents the chunk container in which a set of
ChunkEntry s is stored.
MultiChunkEntry.MultiChunkId |
MultiChunker |
A multichunker combines a set of Chunk s into a single file.
MultichunkRemoteFile |
The multichunk file represents a multichunk on the remote storage.
MultiChunkSqlDao |
The multi-chunk data access object (DAO) queries and modifies the multichunk and
multichunk_chunk table in the SQL database.
MultiCipherInputStream |
MultiCipherOutputStream |
Implements an output stream that encrypts the underlying output
stream using one to many ciphers.
NestedTransferPluginOption |
A nested plugin option is a special TransferPluginOption -- namely an
option that contains a complex object rather than just a simple value.
NewFileSystemAction |
NewSymlinkFileSystemAction |
NormalizedPath |
NotificationListener |
The notification listener implements a client to the fanout, as very
lightweight pub/sub server originally written for SparkleShare.
NotificationListener.NotificationListenerListener |
NoTransformer |
OAuth |
This annotation is used to identify OAuth plugins by marking the corresponding
TransferSettings class.
OAuthGenerator |
For TransferPlugin s that base their authentication on OAuth,
a generator class can be used to create the authentication URL and
check the user-provided token.
OAuthGenerator.WithExtractor |
OAuthGenerator.WithInterceptor |
OAuthGenerator.WithNoRedirectMode |
If an OAuth based plugin also supports copy&pasting a token from a website it should extend this interface.
OAuthMode |
OAuth basically provides two different types of implicit grant.
OAuthTokenExtractor |
A OAuthTokenExtractor is responsible for the extraction of an OAuthTokenFinish from a given URL string.
OAuthTokenExtractors |
OAuthTokenExtractors.NamedQueryTokenExtractor |
OAuthTokenFinish |
OAuthTokenInterceptor |
A OAuthTokenInterceptor is an extension of an HttpHandler which intercepts calls to a callback URL depending
on the queried path.
OAuthTokenInterceptors |
OAuthTokenInterceptors.HashTokenInterceptor |
OAuthTokenInterceptor implementation which bypasses some protection mechanisms to allow the token extraction.
OAuthTokenInterceptors.RedirectTokenInterceptor |
OAuthTokenWebListener |
This class creates a server handling the OAuth callback URLs.
OAuthTokenWebListener.Builder |
OAuthWebResponses |
Factory class to generate some common OAuthWebResponse s.
ObjectId |
The object ID is a generic identifier used by the database entities.
Operation |
Operations represent and implement Syncany's business logic.
OperationOptions |
Marker interface to indicate options and flags for any given Operation .
OperationResult |
Marker interface to indicate a result for a given Operation .
PartialFileHistory |
A PartialFileHistory represents a single file in a repository over a
certain period of time/versions.
PartialFileHistory.FileHistoryId |
The file history identifier (also: file identifier) is a key to identify a single file
throughout its lifetime.
PathAware |
Feature annotation to mark a transfer manager of transfer plugins
that need to be sub-foldered.
PathAwareFeatureExtension |
The path aware feature extension must be defined in the PathAware
feature in order to extend a TransferManager that was marked as 'path aware'
with the required methods to manage the subfolders.
PathAwareFeatureTransferManager |
The path aware transfer manager can be used to extend a backend storage
with the ability to add subfolders to the folders with many files (e.g.
PathAwareFeatureTransferManager.PathAwareRemoteFileAttributes |
PidFileUtil |
Utility class to manage a PID file in a platform-independent manner.
Plugin |
A plugin can be used to store Syncany's repository files on any remote location.
PluginCommand |
PluginInfo |
PluginInstallExternalEvent |
PluginListResponse |
PluginManagementRequest |
PluginManagementRequestHandler |
PluginManagementResponse |
PluginOperation |
The plugin operation installs, removes and lists storage Plugin s.
PluginOperationAction |
PluginOperationOptions |
PluginOperationOptions.PluginListMode |
PluginOperationResult |
PluginOperationResult.PluginResultCode |
Plugins |
This class loads and manages all the Plugin s loaded in the classpath.
PortTO |
This class is the access object to the XML file written by the daemon in the client folder.
ReadAfterWriteConsistent |
Some storage backends do not guarantee that a file immediately exists on the
remote side after it is uploaded or moved.
This feature handles such cases by relaxing the strong assumption that a file
is immediately available after creation due to upload or move operations.
ReadAfterWriteConsistentFeatureExtension |
The read write consistent feature extension must be defined in the ReadAfterWriteConsistent
feature in order to extend a TransferManager that was marked as 'read write consistent'
with the required methods to verify if a file exists on the remote side.
ReadAfterWriteConsistentFeatureTransferManager |
RecursiveWatcher |
The recursive file watcher monitors a folder (and its sub-folders).
RecursiveWatcher.WatchListener |
ReflectionUtil |
Utility class to find classes, methods and fields with certain properties -
typically having an annotation or a certain erasure.
RemoteFile |
A remote file represents a file object on a remote storage.
RemoteFileAttributes |
RemoteTransaction |
This class represents a transaction in a remote system.
RemoveWatchManagementRequest |
RemoveWatchManagementResponse |
RenameFileSystemAction |
RepoTO |
The repo transfer object is used to create and load the repo file
from/to XML.
RepoTO.ChunkerTO |
Configuration object for the deduplication chunker.
RepoTO.MultiChunkerTO |
Configuration object for the deduplication multi-chunker.
RepoTO.TransformerTO |
Configuration object for the deduplication transformer.
RepoTOFactory |
This class is the interface for creation of RepoTO s.
Request |
RequestHandler |
Response |
RestoreCommand |
RestoreFileSystemAction |
RestoreFileSystemActionResult |
RestoreFolderRequest |
RestoreFolderRequestHandler |
RestoreFolderResponse |
RestoreOperation |
RestoreOperationOptions |
RestoreOperationResult |
RestoreOperationResult.RestoreResultCode |
Retriable |
Feature annotation to make a transfer manager more reliable by making
its core methods retriable.
RetriableFeatureTransferManager |
The retriable transfer manager implements a simple try-sleep-retry mechanism
for regular TransferManager s.
SaltedSecretKey |
A salted secret key is a convenience class to bundle a SecretKey with
its corresponding salt.
SaltedSecretKeyConverter |
ServiceAlreadyStartedException |
SetAttributesFileSystemAction |
Setup |
The Setup annotation alters the initialization process.
ShowMessageExternalEvent |
SqlDatabase |
Represents the single entry point for all SQL database queries.
SqlRunner |
Helper class to execute SQL scripts on a given connection.
StatusCommand |
StatusEndSyncExternalEvent |
StatusFolderRequest |
StatusFolderRequestHandler |
StatusFolderResponse |
StatusOperation |
The status operation analyzes the local file tree and compares it to the current local
StatusOperationOptions |
StatusOperationResult |
StatusStartSyncExternalEvent |
StorageException |
StorageFileNotFoundException |
The StorageFileNotFoundException is thrown if a TransferManager cannot
find a file.
StorageMoveException |
The storage move exception is thrown if moving a file on
the remote storage fails.
StorageTestResult |
StringUtil |
Utility class for common application string functions.
StringUtil.StringJoinListener<T> |
Syncany |
Syncany is an open-source cloud storage and filesharing application.
SyncanyRemoteFile |
The repo file represents the repository-defining file.
SyncExternalEvent |
TempRemoteFile |
The temp file represents a temporary file on the remote storage.
TransactionAware |
TransactionAwareFeatureTransferManager |
The TransactionAwareTransferManager adds all functionality regarding transactions
to existing transfer managers.
TransactionRemoteFile |
The transaction file represents a manifest of a transaction on the remote storage.
TransactionTO |
The Transaction transfer object exists to serialize a transaction,
which is saved on the remote location and deleted once the transaction is
TransferManager |
The transfer manager synchronously connects to the remote storage.
TransferManagerFactory |
TransferManagerFactory.TransferManagerBuilder |
The transfer manager builder takes an original TransferManager , and
wraps it with feature-specific transfer managers, if the original transfer
manager is annotated with a Feature annotation.
TransferPlugin |
The transfer plugin is a special plugin responsible for transferring files
to the remote storage.
TransferPluginOption |
A plugin option represents a single setting of a transfer plugin
within the corresponding TransferSettings class.
TransferPluginOption.ValidationResult |
TransferPluginOptionCallback |
Option callbacks are called during initialization before and after the
corresponding setting is queried.
TransferPluginOptionConverter |
Option convert is called during initialization and can be used to
convert a user input before setting it.
TransferPluginOptions |
TransferPluginUtil |
TransferSettings |
A connection represents the configuration settings of a storage/connection
Transformer |
A transformer combines one or many stream-transforming OutputStream s and InputStream s.
TttdChunker |
The TTTD chunker is an implementation of the Two Threshold Two Divisor (TTTD)
chunking method based on the paper of Kave Eshghi and Hsiu Khuern Tang, 2005.
TwofishGcm128CipherSpec |
TwofishGcm256CipherSpec |
TwofishGcmCipherSpec |
TypedPropertyListTO |
The typed property list is a helper data structure that allows storing an
object of a certain type with its properties .
UpCommand |
UpdateCommand |
UpdateManagementRequest |
UpdateManagementRequestHandler |
UpdateManagementResponse |
UpdateOperation |
This operation manages updates of the application.
UpdateOperationAction |
UpdateOperationOptions |
UpdateOperationResult |
UpdateOperationResult.UpdateResultCode |
Result code of the update operation.
UpEndSyncExternalEvent |
UpIndexChangesDetectedSyncExternalEvent |
UpIndexEndSyncExternalEvent |
UpIndexMidSyncExternalEvent |
UpIndexStartSyncExternalEvent |
UpOperation |
The up operation implements a central part of Syncany's business logic.
UpOperationOptions |
UpOperationResult |
UpOperationResult.UpResultCode |
UpStartSyncExternalEvent |
UpUploadEndSyncExternalEvent |
UpUploadFileInTransactionSyncExternalEvent |
UpUploadFileSyncExternalEvent |
UserConfig |
Represents the configuration parameters and application user directory
of the currently logged in user, including system properties that will be
set with every application start.
UserConfigTO |
The user config transfer object is a helper data structure that allows storing
a user's global system settings such as system properties.
UserInteractionListener |
User interaction listeners can interrupt certain operations
to request feedback from the user -- either in form of a confirmation
or a password.
UserTO |
This class is the access object to user-password pairs in XML.
VectorClock |
Implements a vector clock that records the time stamps of all send and receive
VectorClock.VectorClockComparison |
Watch |
Watch.SyncStatus |
WatchCommand |
WatchEndSyncExternalEvent |
WatchOperation |
The watch operation implements the constant synchronization known from other
sync tools.
WatchOperationOptions |
The watch operation options represent the configuration parameters
of the WatchOperation .
WatchOperationResult |
The watch operation result is a dummy class returned by the
WatchOperation .
WatchRunner |
WatchServer |
WatchStartSyncExternalEvent |
WebInterfacePlugin |
Web interface plugins implement a web frontend by implementing this
WebServer |
The web server provides a HTTP/REST and WebSocket API to thin clients,
as well as a mechanism to run a web interface by implementing a
WebInterfacePlugin .
WebServer.RequestFormatType |
WebServerTO |
This class is the access object to configure the local daemon web
WindowsRecursiveWatcher |
The Windows recursive file watcher monitors a folder (and its sub-folders)
by registering a recursive watch on the root folder.
XmlMessageFactory |
Factory class to serialize and deserialize Message s from/to
XML (via SimpleXML).
ZipMultiChunk |
ZipMultiChunker |