Package org.syncany.operations.init
Class ConnectOperation
- java.lang.Object
- org.syncany.operations.Operation
- org.syncany.operations.init.AbstractInitOperation
- org.syncany.operations.init.ConnectOperation
public class ConnectOperation extends AbstractInitOperation
The connect operation connects to an existing repository at a given remote storage location. Its responsibilities include:- Downloading of the repo file. If it is encrypted, also downloading the master file to allow decrypting the repo file.
- If encrypted: Querying the user for the password and creating the master key using the password and the master salt.
- If encrypted: Decrypting and verifying the repo file.
- Creating the local Syncany folder structure in the local directory (.syncany folder and the sub-structure) and copying the repo/master file to it.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.syncany.operations.init.AbstractInitOperation
eventBus, listener
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description ConnectOperation(ConnectOperationOptions options, UserInteractionListener listener)
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description protected
downloadFile(TransferManager transferManager, RemoteFile remoteFile)
Executes the operation synchronously and returns a result when the operation exits.-
Methods inherited from class org.syncany.operations.init.AbstractInitOperation
createAppDirs, createTransferManagerFromNullConfig, deleteAppDirs, fireNotifyCreateMaster
Constructor Detail
public ConnectOperation(ConnectOperationOptions options, UserInteractionListener listener)
Method Detail
public ConnectOperationResult execute() throws java.lang.Exception
Description copied from class:Operation
Executes the operation synchronously and returns a result when the operation exits. Using covariance is recommend, that is OperationFoo should override execute so as to return a OperationFooResult rather than OperationResult.
protected downloadFile(TransferManager transferManager, RemoteFile remoteFile) throws StorageException
- Throws: