Package org.syncany.operations.daemon.messages.api
Provides interfaces and abstract classes to describe the daemon message API.
Some of the application's functionality is exposed via the HTTP/REST API. All communication
to and from the API is done via Messages
Incoming messages can be either Requests
. Outgoing messages can be
Class Summary Class Description Event Events areMessage
s originated from the core of the application.EventResponse ExternalEvent External events areEvent
s meant for JVM-local and external subscribers/consumers.ExternalEventResponse FolderRequest FolderRequestHandler FolderResponse InternalEvent Internal events areEvent
s meant for JVM-local consumers.JsonMessageFactory ManagementRequest ManagementRequestHandler ManagementResponse Message A message is either a request or a response sent to or from the daemon.MessageFactory The message factory serializes and deserializes messages sent to or from the daemon via the REST/WS API.Request RequestHandler Response XmlMessageFactory Factory class to serialize and deserializeMessage
s from/to XML (via SimpleXML).